1.Firstly you will login into the duo admin portal with your admin account. The URL for this is: https://admin-da725da0.duosecurity.com/login?next=%2F
2.Down the left hand side you will click on "Users".
3. You will then search for the user that requires the Temporary Bypass code in the search bar.
4.Click on their name.
5.Once you have clicked on their name you should be in their account for DUO if you scroll down you will see this.
6.Click on "Add Bypass Code".
7.You will be presented with this click on "Change options" to modify the options of the bypass code, eg. If you want to create a bypass code for the user. How long you want it to be active. And if you want it to be re-used.
8.Once you have done that click on the option "Generate Bypass Code".
9.If you scroll down again you will see that a bypass code has been generated.
10.To see the code because it will be hidden initially click on the little "eye" symbol beside the code to display it.